domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010

Edition of Contemporary Music

Manfred Eicher came to Estoril to accompany a presentation of the film “Sounds and Silence” by Peter Guyer & Norbert Wiedmer at the International Estoril Film Festival. The film — an extremely interesting play with time — is a sensitive and meticulously produced portrait of Eicher and his ECM project. 

Both deserve more than the sloppy, ill-prepared conversation with Eicher that closed the session. 

ECM and Manfred Eicher remain strong and ever inspiring symbols after many years in this changing and peculiar business. Understanding it is a challenge to both those who wonder how is it possible to successfully marry entrepreneurship with the arts, and those who believe in the value of musical content vis-a-vis pre-defined and often empty or misleading music categories.

quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

KISS 2010

I just uploaded some pictures of Kiss 2010, - Kyma International Sound Symposium, the conference on Kyma and sound design held in Vienna last September. It was a wonderful and inspiring event which gave me the opportunity to meet with some of the luminaries of the Kyma sound producing platform. 
Kyma is the brainchild of Carla Scaletti an Kurt Hebel (pictured above), the founders of Symbolic Sound. Its users include a group of quite remarkable people, from Joel Chadabe to John Paul Jones.
If the subject interests you, you can become a member of Philosophy of Sound to find out more about this conference and its theme. Just click on the banner on the right. 

Click here to see some pictures of the Symposium.